Natural health?
September 29, 2009 07:57AM
Has anyone got any advice on where to start looking at more natural alternatives to pain releif and health and who you would contact if you wanted to change from main stream medications to more natural based medications. Would you go to a naturapath, a chinese doctor etc etc.... Anyone heard any nightmare stories of people who have become physically worse by ditching there mainstream meds? Anyone have any inspiring stories of those who through nutrition and natural means have cured themselves or improved there state of well being?
Any feedback is welcome!!!
Warm fuzzies
Re: Natural health?
September 29, 2009 08:10AM
3 come to mind Homeopath, Natropath and osteopath...

All 3 can be costly but some are very well worth it..

I only use natual remedies and essential oils like lavender and peppermint etc for my well being. I use Arnica cream and drops and sleep easy remedy too...

These have worked for me... and I swear by my lavender oil... I give it as a gift to new mums...

Good Luck, please let me know how you get on as im interested in seeing a homeopath...

Re: Natural health?
September 29, 2009 08:36AM
Be very cautious, Lisa. If you have any symptoms, get them checked out by your doctor first. An acquanitance of ours had gone to a naturopath for years and swore by him. He recently got diagnosed by a medical doctor with a form of cancer after the naturopath threw in the towel so to speak. Naturopaths are not necessarily trained to diagnose illnesses and valuable time could be lost. Like Zeetra I use arnica for swelling, herbal teas for when I can't sleep etc, Also I try to stay away from skin care that is full of chemicals and look for organic products (unfortunately so much more expensive). But having said that, my instinct tells me to go to my GP first before I entrust myself to an alternative health provider. My son came back from South East Asia with a severe case of shigella. He was not happy with the treatment from his doctor and went to a highly recommended naturopath as an alternative. Lots of money spent on consultations, collodium, water filters, only to have to go back to a doctor to finally get rid of the shigella.
Re: Natural health?
September 29, 2009 09:21AM
Acupuncture, homeopathy and osteopathy are what get my family through most health hurdles. I'm not a fan of naturopathy, to be honest.

That said, we use western medicine too.. most often in conjunction with alternatives. Any good practitioner would advise you against ditching your medications entirely unless they had a good grasp on the situation and it was safe to do so. What would be ideal is having a GP who is also familiar and comfortable with the concept of complementary therapies, so as to work with you and your other practitioners in your efforts to come off any drugs. My mother has the good fortune to have such a GP, and it makes it a heck of a lot easier and safer for everyone. She too has gone through the process of trying to come off some meds and control some health issues with complementary medicines, mostly with good success - except for high cholesterol, she remains on meds for that (she has the genetic type, not the poor diet/lack of exercise type).

I could write pages of anecdotes on what has and hasn't worked for my extended family over the last 30 years, but I'll just say that for us, alternatives work *most* of the time and that is good enough for me to keep using them. They often help some of the more minor things that western medicine doesn't do so well with - wound scarring (acupuncture is excellent for this), persistent coughs, excema and others. One particular homeopathic remedy has also greatly helped with osteoarthritis in several members of my extended family - much to the amazement of more than one orthopedic surgeon.

Give it a try, but don't be put off if things don't work immediately. That isn't really the way of "natural" stuff - often it is about helping the body to heal itself rather than just throwing a drug at something. The former can take a bit longer. Also, if you don't gel with a particular practitioner, try someone else. Talk to people at a really crunchy looking health shop or natural foods store (not somewhere like Health 2000) and see who they recommend in your area.

Good luck.
Re: Natural health?
September 29, 2009 11:11AM
I have been to an osteopath, naturopath (who provided homeopathic remedies), and have had felden krais and acupuncture through various physiotherapists. I also use a mainstream GP.

I think it very much depends on the nature of the complaint, and the calibre of the person you see. If you have a diagnosis then you can work on alternative sorts of treatment, ie if you know you have high blood pressure you could use a variety of remedies to work on it, mainstream or alternative.

I personally had some very good osteo experiences with muscular and bone/alighnment issues, but not so much success with other issues. I would be reluctant to return to the naturopath my son saw, who waved an electromagnetic wand around next to items to see if my son could tolerate them. I found this sort of diagnosis a little 'wooly' for me but there could be some basis to it.

I found the acupuncture and felden krais very helpful along with breathing physio to help with muscular tension, stress and hyperventilation issues causing pain. I did not know anything about Felden Krais prior to visiting but the practioner was excellent. Here is a link to some information.


I do think that mainstream GPs have an important place and if you have concerns you can ask for a second opinion.

Good luck smiling smiley
Re: Natural health?
October 06, 2009 09:35PM

1434 hrs ET


Two weeks ago, I attended the Joslin Diabetes Center’s conference held here in Washington, DC. One of the speakers, Dr. Arturo Rolla, MD, was asked a question about alternative medicine with respect to the treatment of diabetes. He said that much of alternative medicine was yet untested and unproven. As such, he uses conventional medicine which is well tested and has a proven tract record. I concur!

With best regards,

W in Alexandria, Va

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/06/2009 09:36PM by W.
Re: Natural health?
October 07, 2009 10:54PM
The Huffington Post has a blog on treating diabetes with a plant based diet for anyone who is interested.
Re: Natural health?
October 08, 2009 04:14AM
Thanks for all your replies! My GP sold his practice recently and we have a new doctor. I have been seeing the old one for 12 + years. I have a pain chronic pain thingy... so have to go once in a while if I have a flair. I dare say I will get used to my new GP but I find his methods and manner a little unusual. I gave up trying to be tough and went to see him for the first time in months two days ago. So hopefully I will start feeling better soon.
Again thank you!
kind Regards
Re: Natural health?
October 08, 2009 07:23AM
Hi Lisa,

I am also one for seeing my GP first, but see no harm in seeking alternative remedies...

I understand you know what you have etc, so I dont think it would hurt to see a natural health professional about it and the flair up etc... as if it wont work, then you always have your Prescription medicine to fall back on....

I use lavender for headaches, but hey, I will swallow a paracetamol if need be...

Good Luck Lisa... thinking of you.....

Let us know how you get on....

Zee xxx
Re: Natural health?
October 08, 2009 08:45AM
A good relationship between patient and doctor is extremely important. It's always hard if you have to have a change of doctor and I think you know early on if that rapport is there. You should be able to discuss things openly.

I know it can be a lot harder to change in a smaller area but could be worth your while to consider that as an option.

Best wishes.

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